The Unified Fundraising Platform

Get your Pitch Delivered at the Right place. The Fastest Way to get more meetings with investors.

How It Works

Our seamless process simplifies every step, from onboarding to investor matching, empowering you to raise capital effectively.

Platform Onboarding

Tell us what you are looking for.We begin by understanding your financial needs and objectives. Choose from M&A, Private Equity Funding, Project Finance and Real Estate

Pitch Curation

We help you craft content and resources for Pitch Building, that effectively communicates your value proposition, market potential, and growth strategy.

Investor Matching

Our algorithm, combined with the expertise of our Investment Analysts, will start matching you with deals or investors from our vast database, based on your requirements.

Get Introduced

Our platform enables you to send personalized pitches directly to targeted investors. Get on a call with interested investors and close the deal.

PitchMetric is fundraising platform


Accelerate Your Fundraising Efforts.

Our platform offers a suite of powerful features and service designed to streamline the fundraising process and connect you with the right investors.

Data Room

Large database of investors across the globe, Constantly vetted by our team of analysts and monitoring investment trends.

Investor Matching

Our algorithm-based matchmaking approach helps to reach the right place in time.


Our tech-enabled outreach engine makes sure, your pitch is delivered and seen

Daily insights

Get granular, first-party, real-user metrics on site performance per deployment.


We reach each investor with a dynamic personalized pitch, to pique the interest.

Curated Pitch

Our design and content team helps you draft a pitch, empowering you to make a lasting impression on potential investors.

"PitchMetric's targeted investor matching and custom pitch helped us connect with the right investors. We felt supported every step of the way huge thanks to the entire Analyst team."

Andrew Gough
CEO at Detroit Automotive

Our Expertise

Delivering exceptional investor connection

Investor Matching

Our platform utilizes advanced algorithms to match startups and companies with investors based on industry and custom filters.

Pitch Optimization

We offer comprehensive tools and resources to help you craft compelling pitches that resonate with investors.

Streamlined Outreach

Data-Driven Insights

By analyzing investor engagement and response rates, we can optimize your pitching strategy and increase your chances of securing investments.

Data Analytics

Track investor engagement metrics, including views, responses, and follow-ups, to gain valuable insights into investor behavior.

Expert Guidance

Receive strategic advice and recommendations to optimize your fundraising strategy and maximize your chances of success.

Get Started

The Complete Solution For Your Fundraising.

At PitchMetric, we understand that navigating the world of fundraising can be daunting. That's why we've created a platform that solves funraising hell
